My first solo sculpture show during ART IN JUNE at Jessops Farm Studios.
Child's Play is a series of sculptures using plastic waste collected during lockdown, reflecting on our use of single use plastic and the impact on our seas and oceans.
You can visit the outdoor space during AIJ from the 02 - 20 June. I will also be exhibiting with eight other AIJ artists.
This bright plastic star might remind us that there is no Planet B.
The Covid shape, for me is a reminder that our survival is inter-linked with our environment.
Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending... how will we rescue our plant... (David Attenborough to the rescue!!)
No longer shocking enough we have become so familiar with images of oceans of plastic and creatures strangled, enmeshed and caught up in plastic debris.
We are losing our oceans, our coral reefs and creatures dying, while the plastic we create will carry on existing forever.
As a consumer society, we are endlessly spawning plastic waste.
Please share your thoughts...
A solitary robot on a future, uninhabitable, deserted Earth, left to clean up garbage.
Our Wall-Es are waiting in trepidation.
Nostalgic, striped canvas beach-ware – we can now enjoy and expect sunbathing weather for years to come, thanks to global waring. What fun?
Headless baby. Does our human race have a future? Where is our head to plan wisely?
This little piggy ended up encased in the plastic packaging that our modern lives have created.
Time is running out... this is how our plastic ends up...
Next time you are at the beach take a look under the vegetation above the tide.
"It is a complete privilege to host and convert our garden space into a showcase for these pieces. For me, they make an ironic statement and warning, set as they are in this idyllic area of outstanding natural beauty.
I strongly believe we have to wake up and stop our desecration of this beautiful planet, Thank you Sally!" Cathy Bird